This section covers the general physical structure of your web
Typically your web page is composed of the following pieces:
- header
- section navigation
- left column
- center main content area
- right column
- footer
Header: typically holds your logo,
tag line and address and phone #s
Section Navigation: holds your main
navigation links (eg home, about, etc)
Left Column: holds detail navigation
links or possibly other info/images
Center Content: holds the page's
Right Column: typically holds topical
links (meant to be changed regularly)
Footer: holds your privacy statement
link, copyright notice, etc
To maintain conformity thru-out your web site and to make changes
easier, your web pages are constructed of these different pieces.
What this means is that a typical web page contains the main content
area - and then "includes" the other pieces to complete
the page (eg header, navigation, left and right columns if applicable,
and footer).
When you go to edit a web page, you'll find that you can change
the content, but not the other pieces. Again, this is a purposeful
design feature meant to ensure conformity from page to page.
Q: What if I need to change one of
the pieces? For example: change the address or phone number in the
header? or update a topical link in the right column?
A: Excellent question - so glad you
asked ... You will find all the "pieces" living in the
"_pagepieces" folder. When you make a change to a piece
(eg change a link in the left column) every single page on your
web site will automatically "include" your new change.
So you don't have to modify the left column in every page on your
web site.