
quick start guide

editing a page

add/change an image

add/change a link

add a page


uploading docs/images

what you can't change



This section covers editing and maintaining your navigation bar.

Note: unlike other sections of your website - your navigation bar cannot be maintained via the web editor. You need Macromedia's Fireworks and Dreamweaver products.

Another note: it is HIGHLY recommended that only a person familiar with these tools attempt making changes to the menu.


The following instructions assume a working knowledge of both Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Likewise, it is assumed that all editing will occur on a local pc with the end-resultant files being transfered to the web site (via FTP or a local network transport).

Brief overview:

  • in Fireworks:
    • edit the _images/originals/nav-main.png file
    • make required changes to the menuing system via fireworks
    • export all associated files back to the _menu
    • save the nav-main.png file back to _images/originals/ folder
  • in Dreamweaver:
    • open /test-old/insert-nav-main.htm file via Dreamweaver
    • Insert - Interactive Images - Fireworks HTML (select _menu/nav-main.htm)
    • Edit - Find and Replace from "../im" to "/im" (no quotes)
    • Copy/Paste/Save specified <head> tag info to _includes/nav-main-head.htm (overwrite/replace everything) then SAVE
    • Copy/Paste/Save specified <body> tag info to _includes/nav-main-body.htm (overwrite/replace everything) then SAVE
    • Quit out of Dreamweaver (DON'T SAVE changes to /test-old/insert-nav-main.htm)
  • Copy to web site:
    • _images/originals/nav-main.png
    • _menu entire contents
    • _includes/nav-main-head.htm
    • _includes/nav-main-body.htm

Detailed instructions with screen shots:

This is a relatively complex operation with many steps. It is easy to make a mistake along the way and not realize it till you've posted your work to the web site and find out your menu doesn't work.

[Editors note: Please please please make sure you have the target files in question on your web server backed up.]

[Editor's tip: if you find out you have made a mistake somewhere, it's generally easier to start over from scratch.]

Make desired editing changes in Fireworks.

In Dreamweaver

open /test-old/insert-nav-main.htm
there should be an empty table - click in the table to position your cursor
you should see a screen similar to the following:
Insert - Interactive Images - Fireworks HTML (navigate to and insert _menu/nav-main.htm)




Copy body part (from <script language …see below) to /_includes/nav-main-head.htm

to just before the </head> tag

Copy body part (see below) to /_includes/nav-main-body.htm